Public Health

Degree to be obtained: Bachelor of Public Health

Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)

The mode of studies: full-time and part-time

Language of instruction: English

ECTS: 180

Contact: Monika Wróbel M.A. Coordinator for Studies in English

Course description:

Public Health is a field of study which focuses on improving health and quality of life by means of both prevention and treatment of various diseases and health conditions. One of the main preventive measures is providing the society with necessary information concerning their health.

Graduate profile 1. A mastery of a body of theoretical knowledge, relating to the field of health, involving such areas as medicine, social studies, law, economy, EU health policy, and management.

2. Theoretical and practical skills of solving problems related to protection and promotion of health.

3. The knowledge of legal provisions related to the area of health, health control, the sanitary-epidemiological examination. Excellent pedagogical skills, enabling to support students’ physical, mental and social development

4. Qualifications for working in health care institutions, as well as public administration, local government and social institutions.

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