


City Bus

The easiest way to move around Lublin is, by far, the public City Bus system. The bus stops are situated all around the city and there will always be one nearby when you need it. With over 80 lines available with varying starting and finishing points, you will be able to go practically anywhere within the city limits.

Whats bus stops look like.
Electronic Ticket on your Student Card

If you have your Student Card you are able to use it as your discount Electronic Ticket which is half the price of a regular one. Remember that you actually have to get the Student Card at the University (17zł at the Cashier’s Office). Just having the Student Card will give you 50% off of all the prices in city an national communications. However, it is much more cost-efficient to code your Card as an Electronic Ticket and buy long-term tickets. 30 day ticket with unlimited rides on all the lines within the city limits costs merely 48zł. Same tickets for 90 and 150 days cost 122 and 189zł respectively.


The easiest way to turn your Student Card into a E-Ticket is to do it manually at City Bus offices at Zielona 5 or Nałęczowska 14 in Lublin. You will have to have your Student Card with you and fill in a form, similar to the one on this website. It is unfortunately only available in Polish. Choose “Elektroniczna legitymacja studencka“.  It’s also important to tick the box “Jestem Obcokrajowcem” (I am a foreigner) and agree to all the legal requirements concerning handling of your personal data. The rest of the information is as follows:

  • Imię: Your first name
  • Nazwisko: Your last name
  • Data urodzenia: Date of birth
  • Ulica/Miejscowość /Nr domu/mieszkania/ Kod pocztowy/ Miasto: Full address in Lublin

The staff at the office should be able to help you with the form if need be

CITY BUS OFFICE at Zielona 5
Stationary Ticket Machine
Buying a ticket for the E-Ticket Card


Now that you have your E-Ticket, you will actually need to buy a ticket to encode onto the Card. There is a multitude of ways to do so: you can buy the ticket on the spot, at Zielona 5 or Nałęczowska 14, you can buy a ticket at every stationary ticket machine in town or even online at https://www.kbelublin.com.pl/ . The online store does require an account and there is a one-day delay, plus you will need to activate the ticket during your first trip, so it is much easier to buy it from the office or the ticket machine.

The ticket machines have an option to change language into English and accept payment via credit card.

To use your E-Ticket Card you just have to have it on you. You do not have to punch it and only have to show it upon a ticket inspection that can happen at random. Just remember the expiration date for your ticket so that you can either buy a new one or start using the standard paper tickets to avoid getting a fine.

The Card will continue to be able to serve as an Electronic Ticket even after your ticket runs out and is ready for use in the future if you ever need it again.

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