
Erasmus+ Incoming Students

Application procedure

If you want to study or have traineeships as Erasmus+ student at Vincent Pol University, you should first contact the Erasmus coordinator at your home university, and ask to be nominated. Then your home university coordinator should send us an official message – nomination.


Fill Erasmus Application Form and print it. Complete applications should be sent by email erasmus.incoming@pol.edu.pl Emailed applications are acceptable and there is no need to send hard copies. All applicants who apply for studies (SMS) should include a recent Academic Transcript with their application document.


Application form (SMT) traineeships


Application form (SMS) studies


Acceptance documents will be sent by email from the Erasmus Coordinator for Incoming Students when applications have been approved by the relevant department.


Contact with your home Erasmus coordinator and with the VPU Erasmus coordinator to prepare or consult your Learning Agreement. Send your LA to the departmental coordinator.

Please remember to consult with the departmental Erasmus coordinators from your home University (sending university) and from Vincent Pol University (receiving university) and send them Learning agreement for their confirmation.


KA 171 – partner countries 

Students who are accepted from university from partner coutries (KA 107) should additional submit:

– Passport

– Visa

– Copy of insurance (Every student before leaving for Erasmus+ program should have health insurance, accidents insurance (NNW) valid for whole period  of studies and travel to Poland.

On basis of documents VPU issues visa letter and grant agreement.

Vincent Pol University in Lublin

Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie
formerly: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno – Przyrodnicza im. Wincentego Pola w Lublinie

address: ul. Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin, Poland

Erasmus Code: PL LUBLIN08
PIC 949668801
OID E10109080

Erasmus+ Coordinator for Incoming Students
Mrs. Katarzyna Terejko
+ 48 (81) 469 18 67
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