


for a staff mobility for teaching and for training at Vincent Pol University in Lublin
  1. The staff eligible for Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching (STA) and for training (STT) is academic staff member at the partner universities which have signed an Inter-institutional agreement for this type of the mobility with Vincent Pol University in Lublin.
  2. The staff member of the partner university must be officially nominated by their university within the limits set out in the grant agreement. The nomination is sent by the university Erasmus+ coordinator to VPU at the address of the VPU university’s Erasmus+ coordinator k.wolnicka@pol.edu.pl.
  3. The interinstitutional agreement should be signed before the individual mobility starts.
  4. The partner universities eligible for the project are listed in the appendix to the financial agreement.
    KA 171 2023 – India, Kenya, Malaysia, Viet Nam
  5. The duration of STA and STT mobility lasts 5 days (activity).
  6. The qualification process takes place at the partner university according to the regulations set out by the partner university and Erasmus + Programme Guide.
  7. The partner university sends a list of nominated staff members to International Relations Office of Vincent Pol University in Lublin no later than 4 weeks before the mobility starts.
  8. The financial suport/scholarships are awarded until all the funds are exhausted according to the following limits.
  9. The limits mentioned above may be increased upon decison of VPU President if budget of the project allows.
  10. International Relations Office informs Partner University and approved candidates immediately after receiving a list of the nominated candidates. The Partner University or nominated staff member should send to VPU: application form, details of passport to issue visa letters and mobility agreement. The Faculty coordinators approve the candidates on a basis of their Staff Mobility for Teaching/Training Mobility Agreement and assess following criteria: overall objectives of the mobility; content of the teaching/training programme; expected outcomes and impact; added value of the mobility.
  1. A scholarship for the staff mobility for teaching /training (‘Individual support’) is 140 Euro per day. Individual suport is for 7 days period: 5 days of activity + 2 days for travel.
  2. A participant may start their travel earlier than one day before the start of the mobility or return later than one day after the end of the mobility , but only up to two additional days (one day before the mobility and one day after its completion) will be taken into account when calculating the scholarship (‘Individual support’).
  3. Staff member receives an additional grant to cover travel expenses, For grant support to travel costs in the Erasmus+ programme, travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator.
    Between 10 – 99 km: 23 EUR
    Between 100 – 499 km: 180 EUR
    Between 500 -1999 km 275 EUR
    Between 2000 – 2999 km: 360 EUR
    Between 3000 – 3999 km: 530 EUR
    Between 4000 – 7999 km: 820 EUR
    Between 8000 km and more: 1500 EUR


  1. The obligation to complete the procedures of obtaining a visa and insurance lies with the incoming staff member. International Relations Office of Vincent Pol University in Lublin provides all the documents (eg. invitation) necessary for the visa procedure.
  2. The participant needs to buy/secure adequate insurance (costs of medical treatment and casualty insurance) coverage for the period of travel and stay at the receiving institution/country. The participant needs to obtain a document entitling one to benefit from health service and is aware what this insurance covers.
  3. A person qualified for the STA/STT mobility becomes a beneficiary of the Erasmus+ program at the moment of signing the grant agreement, which is the basis for payment of the financial support. The grant agreement should be signed by the staff member no later than first day of mobility.
  4. Within 30 days of signing the agreement by both parties, but not later than the first day of the mobility, the financial funding will be sent to the bank account held in EURO or to the cashier’s office at the University.
  5. After the end of the mobility, incoming staff member receives a Certificate of attendance confirmed by Vincent Pol University.
  6. The participant shall complete and submit the online EU Survey after the mobility abroad within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invitation to complete it. Participants who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required to partially or fully reimburse the financial support received.



Application form for teaching
Application form for training

KA 171 2023

Erasmus+ University Coordinator
Mrs. Iwona Pietrzak
+48 (81) 81 469 18 67

Vincent Pol University in Lublin
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie
address: ul. Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin, Poland

Erasmus Code: PL LUBLIN08
PIC 949668801
OID E10109080

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