Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics MSC

Master's degree

Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

The education program of the second degree program is designed as a universal offer to supplement the education in dietetics from the level of bachelor’s degree, dedicated also to graduates of first or second-cycle degree programs in other majors related to human nutrition, dietetics or food technology, which leads to the professional title of master’s degree.

More about Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

Graduates of the second degree program will receive a development and deepening of practical medical training in human nutrition and dietetics, with particular emphasis on contemporary health risks (primary and secondary prevention of diet-related diseases). They will be prepared to establish and run a business with a profile of human nutrition and dietetics. The primary goal of training is to prepare a nutritionist – a medical professional, to work in therapeutic and health promotion teams, as well as to undertake management demands in entities involved in various forms of human nutrition.

We distinguish two educational paths in our second-cycle programme: Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition in Sports and Fitness, which offer the development and detailing of practical skills and knowledge in dietotherapy, clinical dietetics and clinical nutrition, respectively, as well as the theoretical foundations of sports and fitness, sports and health training and nutrition in specific sports and fitness disciplines.

In our educational concept, medical-clinical knowledge and competencies will be complemented by knowledge and competencies in food science and nutrition, including food technology, food chemistry and biochemistry, food microbiology, as well as the fundamentals of human nutrition in health at different stages of the life cycle.

Study dietetics at Vincent Pol University

Placement details

Career oppurtunities

Fees & requirements

Modules overview

The education program of the second degree program is designed as a universal offer to supplement the education in dietetics from the level of bachelor’s degree, dedicated also to graduates of first or second-cycle degree programs in other majors related to human nutrition, dietetics or food technology, which leads to the professional title of master’s degree.

According to the knowledge and skills acquired during the study, graduates will be prepared to work in, among others:

  • Establishing and running your own business in the field of dietetics counseling
  • holding management positions in mass catering establishments
  • working in therapeutic teams in those clinical specialties that involve disease problems related to human nutrition, including, among others, obesitology (treatment of obesity), cardiology, endocrinology, diabetology, bariatric/metabolic surgery, rehabilitation medicine, oncology and others
  • undertaking team or individual dietetic practice in public
    and non-public health care facilities
  • conducting nutrition education and preventive health care in educational institutions, sports, fitness clubs, consumer organizations

Administration fee (non-refundable) – 200 Euro



In order to make a transfer for studies conducted in English you will need the following transfer details:


Name: Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie / Vincent Pol University

Name of the Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Bank Address: ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 37, 20-950 Lublin, Poland



Foreign currency account – held in EURO

Beneficiary’s Account No: PL 81 1500 1520 1215 2009 1373 0000


Foreign currency account – held in USD

Beneficiary’s Account No: PL 58 1500 1520 1215 2009 9858 0000


Full costs of transfer are on the Student’s side. The university should receive full fees.



General entry requirements:


International students applying to our University have to submit documents confirming their graduation from a secondary school or a university. Certificates and diplomas issued abroad must be officially legalized and recognized in Poland.


Language requirements:


International students must submit a document confirming their knowledge of English, or are required to a attend an English language course. This requirement does not apply to students for whom English is a native language or was a language of instruction at school.

International students should demonstrate that they meet one of the following minimum language requirements:

TOEFL test with a score of at least 550,

IELTS test with a score of at least 6.0 for Bachelor and Master studies,

FCE test with grade B.

  • Chemistry and biochemistry of food
  • Ethics in helping relations
  • First Aid
  • Food technology and catering technology
  • Functional human anatomy
  • General chemistry
  • General microbiology and microbiology of food
  • Health sociology
  • Human nutrition
  • Human physiology with nutritional physiology
  • Interpersonal communication in health care
  • Methodology of dietary assessment
  • Propaedeutics of medicine
  • Public health and health promotion
  • Sport Activities
  • Applications of laboratory diagnostics in dietetics
  • Bromatology and food analysis
  • Clinical dietetics and dietotherapy
  • Food commodities and storage
  • HACCP and food hygiene and safety
  • Methodology of body composition testing
  • Methodology of nutrition education
  • Nutrition and its education of the healthy elders
  • Nutrition of pregnant and nursing woman and healthy child
  • Pharmacology and food-supplement-drug interactions
  • IT technologies in dietetics
  • Fundamentals of business in dietetics
  • Legal aspects of dietetic practice in Poland and the EU
MSc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

Basic Summary

Or check out our other programmes:

For more information

please contact:

Monika Wróbel MA
Head of International Admissions Office

‏‏‎Phone: +48 81 740 25 04


E-mail: infoenglish@pol.edu.pl

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