
Beauty Science MSC

Master's degree

Beauty Science

The study program consists of theoretical foundations, including a number of subjects from scientific disciplines such as health sciences, medical sciences and pharmaceutical sciences, and practical subjects. The educational plan includes medical subjects such as: anatomy with particular emphasis on the head, neck and lower limb, skin oncology, endocrinology, elements of allergology, pharmacology or trichology.

The main concept of education during the second cycle programme in Beauty Science at the Vincent Pol University is to educate qualified specialists, who will have in-depth and practical knowledge in the field of broadly understood cosmetology, which will enable them to perform advanced cosmetic procedures, select appropriate cosmetic products, and indicate their application on the basis of pharmacological knowledge.

They will allow students to acquire and deepen knowledge of the structure and functioning of the human body in health or illness, being a good basis for conducting specialized cosmetic procedures. The program, however, is focused on the improvement and deepening of practical skills by the student, which will allow to perfect the skills of diagnosing the condition of the skin, distinguish skin defects, plan and carry out cosmetic procedures, including advanced therapies with the use of modern cosmetological equipment and properly selected cosmetics. The program will include, among others, classes in aesthetic and anti-aging cosmetology, trichology, orthopodology and beauty and beautifying cosmetology laboratory.

Study beauty science at Vincent Pol University

Placement details

Career oppurtunities

Fees & requirements

Modules overview

The main concept of education during the second cycle programme in Beauty Science at the Vincent Pol University is to educate qualified specialists, who will have in-depth and practical knowledge in the field of broadly understood cosmetology, which will enable them to perform advanced cosmetic procedures, select appropriate cosmetic products, and indicate their application on the basis of pharmacological knowledge.

beauty salons

wellness facilities, SPA and medical cosmetology

laboratories and cosmetics departments of pharmacies

companies producing and distributing specialized cosmetic products

running and organizing own cosmetic salon

Administration fee (non-refundable) – 200 Euro



In order to make a transfer for studies conducted in English you will need the following transfer details:


Name: Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie / Vincent Pol University

Name of the Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Bank Address: ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 37, 20-950 Lublin, Poland



Foreign currency account – held in EURO

Beneficiary’s Account No: PL 81 1500 1520 1215 2009 1373 0000


Foreign currency account – held in USD

Beneficiary’s Account No: PL 58 1500 1520 1215 2009 9858 0000


Full costs of transfer are on the Student’s side. The university should receive full fees.



General entry requirements:


International students applying to our University have to submit documents confirming their graduation from a secondary school or a university. Certificates and diplomas issued abroad must be officially legalized and recognized in Poland.


Language requirements:


International students must submit a document confirming their knowledge of English, or are required to a attend an English language course. This requirement does not apply to students for whom English is a native language or was a language of instruction at school.

International students should demonstrate that they meet one of the following minimum language requirements:

TOEFL test with a score of at least 550,

IELTS test with a score of at least 6.0 for Bachelor and Master studies,

FCE test with grade B.

• Foreign language
• Physical education
• Psychology
• Information technology
• Sociology
• Intellectual property law
• Professional ethics
• Foundamentals of ergonomics and health and safety
• Biology and genetics
• Biophysics
• Anatomy
• Histology
• Physiology
• Pathophysiology
• Biochemistry
• Hygiene
• Microbiology
• Immunology
• Pharmacology
• First aid
• Cosmetology – Care therapy
• Cosmetology – Beauty therapy
• Cosmetic formulation
• Dermatology
• Physiotherapy and massage
• Cosmetic chemistry

• Esthetics
• Esthetic dermatology
• Physiotherapy in cosmetology
• Health and cosmetic treatments in Spa and Wellness
• Foundamentals of allergology
• Endocrynology
• Selected issues in toxicology
• Sensorics and aromatherapy
• Elements of cosmetic botany
• Thalassotherapy
• Legislation and safety in using cosmetic products
• Dietetics
• Selected issues in labour law
• Selected issues in podology
• Cosmetology workshop I/II
• Professional make-up with elements of styling
• Cosmetology in diseases
• Herbal medicine and natural cosmetology
• Interpersonal communication and self-presentation
• Introduction to cosmetic surgery
• Spa and Wellness massage
• Management of beauty salon and promotion of beauty
• Rules for writing reports and public speaking
• Foundamentals of perfumery
• Diploma seminar
• Professional training in care cosmetics
• Professional training in care, corrective and beauty therapy

MSc Beauty Science

Basic Summary

Or check out our other programmes:

For more information

please contact:

Monika Wróbel MA
Head of International Admissions Office

‏‏‎Phone: +48 81 740 25 04‎

E-mail: infoenglish@pol.edu.pl

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