
Courses of general Polish

Polish state exam preparatory courses of general Polish

The aim of the courses is to prepare learners for taking Polish state exams at different levels of proficiency: A1, A2, B1 (for learners who want apply for permanent residence in the EU, Polish citizenship or a work permit in Poland), B2 (for learners who would like to apply for Polish-language programmes at Polish universities), C1 (C1 certificate entitles a learner to study in Polish for free at Polish public universities) or C2. The programme of the courses meets the requirements of the State Commission for Polish Language State Exams.

During the course learners improve and extend their knowledge of Polish grammar and vocabulary, and develop basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing. All the aforementioned skills are tested during the Polish state exam and other Polish exam. The course helps learners to familiarise with all parts of the exam. The learners will also be provided with helpful tips and ideas on how to solve examination tasks.

We guarantee content-related supervision, and the evaluation of the learning process.

The frequency of meetings depends on learners’ needs.

Learners may choose online, hybrid or in-person learning.

The course consists of 60 45-minute lesson, and it lasts one semester.

The course starts when at least 6 people register for the course.

Course fee: 1350 PLN (per person)

Intensive preparatory courses for B1 and C1 Polish state exam

During the intensive preparatory course learners will be familiarised with all parts of the exam, and will be provided with helpful tips and ideas on how to solve examination tasks. Learners will also improve and extend their knowledge of Polish grammar and vocabulary, and develop basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing) which are tested during the exam. The course ends with a mock exam.

We guarantee content-related supervision (the choice of learning materials), and the evaluation of the learning process.

The course starts about one month before the Polish state exam, when at least 8 people register for the course.

The course is held online, and it consists of 20 45-minute lessons.

Course fee: 350 PLN (per person)

Individual Polish courses

The course is tailored to meet individual learners’ needs.

Learners study at their own pace, and decide about the length of the course and the frequency of meetings.

Learners may choose online, hybrid or in-person learning.

We guarantee content-related supervision (the choice of a coursebook and learning materials), and the evaluation of the learning process.

Course fees (per person):

one learner: 45-minute lesson – 80 PLN

two learners: 45-minute lesson – 45 PLN

three or more learners: 45-minute lesson – 30 PLN


e-mail: osrodekjpjo@pol.edu.pl, awp.jpjo@gmail.com
phone: 663 558 100
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