‘Nursing is a calling’. Polish group of Nursing Graduation 2024 at Vincent Pol University is behind us

There were tears of emotion, but also pride in graduation. On Wednesday, Vincent Pol University hosted a graduation ceremony of Nurses .‘Nursing is more than a profession, it is a calling,’ emphasised the Rector of our University, PhD Mariusz Korczyński, Professor VPU.

Students celebrating the receiving of their bachelor’s degree diplomas in Nursing at VPU were accompanied by their loved ones. They were welcomed by therector of our University, PhD Mariusz Korczyński, Professor at VPU.

– Nursing is more than a profession, it is a calling. Nurses and nurse practitioners play a key role in the healthcare system, being alongside patients at the most difficult times of their lives – said the rector.

The ceremony was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Marian Przylepa, doctor of Medical Sciences, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaudia Jakubowska, doctor of Health Sciences, Coordinator of Practical Education, Dorota Nalepa, M.Sc., coordinator of English-language studies in Nursing, Justyna Durak, M.D., manager of Medical Simulation Centre, Kamil Cyrski, M.Sc., and the head of the Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Małgorzata Palusińska, together with Izabela Gauda and Izabela Wojtysiak.

– I am very satisfied with my education at Vincent Pol University. You study really well here. I encourage young future nurses to start their education here, because it pays off and it’s really worth it – commented Joanna Karpińska, this year’s graduate of Nursing at the VPU.

Among the guests invited to the ceremony were:

  • Dorota Suchodół, M.Sc. – Head of Nursing at the Witold Chodźko Institute of Rural Medicine
  • Maria Jolanta Korniszuk, M.D. – Lublin State Regional Sanitary Inspector, university lecturer
  • Agnieszka Brześcińska, M.Sc. – Vice-Chairwoman of the Regional Council of Nurses and Midwives in Lublin, university lecturer
  • Anita Jasztal-Kniażuk M.Sc. – secretary of the Regional Council of Nurses and Midwives in Lublin
  • Bożena Zgierska M.Sc. – Voivodship Consultant in Palliative Care Nursing for the Lubelskie Voivodship

We congratulate all the newly graduated nurses on their graduation from our University. We wish you fulfilment of your dreams and development in your future careers!

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