
Join us during march intakes. Join the VPU students!

Practical preparation for a profession, classes with specialists, modern teaching rooms and studios, as well as opportunities to develop sporting passions – these are just a few of the advantages of studying at Vincent Pol University. We are already inviting you to the winter recruitment and to join the ranks of VPU students.

Vincent Pol University is an excellent place to study for young people from all over the world. It is not only Poles who get their education here. Among those studying at VPU are people from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, India, South Africa, Jordan, Norway, Turkey, Italy, Iran, Palestine, Vietnam, Spain, Syria, Israel, France or Mexico and Canada. The list is much longer, as students from more than 60 countries around the world study with us.

VPU Students not only have the opportunity for practical training, but also the chance to develop their passions – be it music in the choir or sports during training under the watchful eye of professionals. The most talented can also count on scholarships. The university also ensures that no one feels lonely and invites them to integration meetings, where they can get to know other students and the culture of different countries.

– We already encourage English-speaking students in particular to apply, as they need to obtain a student visa before coming to Poland – encourages Monika Wróbel, Head of the Foreign Student Recruitment Office at VPU. – Studying at the University is a guarantee of high academic standards, receiving a European education and a diploma that is recognised worldwide. It is also a study in an international atmosphere, in the academic city of Lublin, where there are a lot of students. We offer young people a solid education, practical preparation for their profession, because after studying at VPU you can easily find a job not only in Poland, but also abroad,” – adds Monika Wróbel.

Students can also benefit from dormitory accommodation. They can also get legal assistance at the Academy. An additional advantage is the tuition fees for all budgets. Importantly, classes are taught by qualified professionals.

Joanna Piechowska, PhD, Head of the Department of Midwifery, emphasises:

– At the Academy we focus on practical classes, we have a lot of classes in hospitals where you can learn about the realities of work.

On the other hand, Joanna Piech, lecturer at the Beauty Science faculty, notes that the University is an attractive place for young people who want to acquire a solid education:

– Here they acquire skills at the highest level, which will be appreciated by future employers. And the emphasis on skills training means that the school is attracting more and more people from all over the world, she says.

Radosław Dolecki, Ph.D., VPU professor and lecturer in the International Business Management course, speaks in a similar vein:

– These studies prepare you to work in an international environment, in international business, and open up a wide range of perspectives.

Grzegorz Gil, Ph.D., lecturer in Economics, has been working with students from all over the world at the Academy for several years.

– When teaching international business and intercultural communication, we have the opportunity to introduce elements of theory and juxtapose it with practice – says Grzegorz Gil Ph.D. And he adds: – My best students very often ask me for references because they continue their studies in the so-called West with good results here at the University. They develop their careers, return to their countries of origin contributing to the socio-economic development of their homelands, notes mr Gil.

And what do English-speaking students think of studying at VPU?

– There is a lot of practice during the course of study, and a big advantage is the opening of the new Medical Science Centre building. The building is well equipped and modern, – emphasises an VPU physiotherapy student. – I like VPU for its African students. And I encourage you to apply to study here because life in Poland is affordable. You will have a great time here.

The University offers a range of full-time Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programmes in English, which are mentioned below:

Long – cycle Studies (5 – YEAR Master’s degree programmes):

  • Physiotherapy

First – cycle Studies (3 – YEAR Bachelor’s degree programmes):

  • Nursing
  • Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Beauty Science
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • International Business Management
  • Midwifery

Second – cycle Studies (2 – YEAR Master’s degree programmes):

  • International Tourism
  • Nursing
  • International Business Management

Requirements: https://vpu.edu.pl/admission-requirements/

Applications: https://vpu.edu.pl/international-admissions-office/

For information, please write to infoenglish@pol.edu.pl or on Whatsapp at 721 701 703.

Study in English at VPU!

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