
Christmas traditions and cuisine in different countries – an integration meeting for students

Students of English philology and other English-language studies at Vincent Pol University together with their colleagues from English philology at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University met before Christmas to learn about the cultures of different countries of the world. There was also a culinary dimension to the integration, as they were able to sample some tasty Christmas dishes.

The main theme of Thursday’s meeting at VPU was the ways in which Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world. The students prepared presentations on how Christmas is celebrated in India, various parts of Africa, Ukraine and, of course, Poland.

Students from the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University talked about our home country, introducing us to Polish traditions and the dishes that reign supreme on our tables at Christmas. VPU students, on the other hand, presented customs in their countries, combined with their culture and history.

During the meeting, Polish Christmas dishes could be tasted – there was red borscht, croquettes with cabbage and mushrooms, multivegetable salad or dried fruit compote. The students enjoyed socialising, singing and dancing, and talking about the diversity in traditions.

– We are very happy that the first edition of the Christmas meeting was successful, that the students came in such large numbers – says the Head of the Department of English Philology, Dr Przemysław Terejko, Professor at VPU.– There was a mix of countries, languages. I think many friendships were made today, he adds.

– Wonderful stories about all the countries I didn’t really know about. I was very happy to learn how holidays are celebrated in Africa, and how holidays in Ukraine are celebrated in a very similar but different way,

emphasises Dr Anna Bendrat, from the Department of English and American Studies at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University.

The Christmas student integration was met with great enthusiasm by both Polish and foreign students.

– We hope to meet in an even bigger group next year,

they concluded.
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