
Register – First Cycle

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    I hereby give my consent for my personal data to be processed for the purposes of recruitment, academic records, documentation, and for performing other activities and exercising powers by the University, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law and the University Statutes. The administrator of personal data included in the application form is Vincent Pol University in Lublin. The administrator collects and processes personal data, pursuant to the applicable provisions of law, including the Actof27 July 2005Law on Higher Education(Dziennik Ustaw -Official Journal of Laws, No.164, item 1365,as amended) and the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 14 September 2011 on the documentation of the academic record (Dziennik Ustaw - Official Journal of Laws, No. 201, item 1188), for the purposes of higher education recruitment and the appropriate documentation of academic record. Prospective students and current students are entitled to review, supplement or correct personal data in the Vincent Pol University premises. The students are also entitled to delete their data (in the case where these data are unlawfully collected and processed, or for the purposes of providing them).

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