Landscapes, flowers, seas, birds and many other motifs found their way onto jar lids, which will be used to create an art installation. Nearly 200 people attended Saturday’s event at Vincent Pol University.
It was an unprecedented event. On Saturday, in three places simultaneously – Vincent Pol University in Lublin, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Polish-French Association in the town of Chateauroux in France – many people took part in the action of painting old jar lids.
The initiator of the action is Professor Stanisław Czachorowski of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. ‘We cooperate on a daily basis, so we decided to extend this university cooperation and create a joint work, – says Małgorzata Gorzel PhD, VPU Professor, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Head of the Department of Cosmetology, who coordinated the lid painting event at our University. She adds: – ‘The idea behind this event is to show that the university is not only a place to study, but also a place to spend time together, integrate, learn and develop creatively. We chose old lids to both promote recycling and show that we care about our planet.
From one hour to the next, the VPU auditorium filled up with students, university staff who came with their families, and guests, and large works of art were created on small lids – beautiful landscapes, landscapes, seas, flowers, flags, and symbols of other countries. The motifs were as numerous as the participants themselves, because the turnout was great – in a few hours nearly 200 participants took part in the action. Everyone contributed their bit to the great cause.
Atmospheric music played in the background, and from time to time on the screen, participants were able to connect with Olsztyn and France to see what painting looks like there.
Dorota Stefanek-Langham PhD, vice-president of Vincent Pol University came to paint lids with her daughter Emma:
– We are very proud of the turnout and honoured that as an university we are taking part in this event. I think this is a very interesting initiative, integrating our academic community and expanding cooperation between universities, – said Dr Stefanek-Langham. – Congratulations on the idea and execution.
She herself painted summer landscapes on the lids, while her daughter Emma painted stars.
Representatives of the “Szpilka” Foundation, who also took part in Saturday’s event, liked the idea of painting over the lids:
– Art brings people together, it does not exclude anyone, and that is very cool, – said Tatiana Naklicka. – Although organising such an event is certainly not easy, everything worked out well here. Such an initiative should be repeated.
Now the lids from VPU will go to Olsztyn and, together with the lids created at the university there, will be sent to France. They will be used to create a large-scale art installation.
– Just as music is made from individual notes, so a work of art will be made from individual nuts, – concludes Professor Małgorzata Gorzel.