
Timetable for the 2024/2025 academic year

These dates every student should know. Take a look at the timetable for the 2024/2025 academic year.

The 2024/2025 academic year begins on 1 October 2024 and runs until 30 September 2025. The teaching period is divided into two semesters.

Winter semester:

Teaching classes begin on 1 October 2024 and continue until 2 February 2025.

During the winter semester, the following are scheduled:

23.12.2024 to 06.01.2025 – study break on the occasion of Christmas,

classes in Polish-language studies: full-time studies start on 7.01.2025, part-time studies – on 10.01.2025.

classes in English-language studies full-time studies start on 7.01.2025

winter examination session lasts:

3.02.2025 to 16.02.2025. – for Polish-language studies

from 03.02.2025 to 21.02.2025 – for English-language studies

the inter-semester break lasts:

17.02.2025 to 21.02.2025. – for Polish-language studies

from 24.02.2025 to 28.02.2025 – for English-language studies.

Make-up examinations and credit passes from the winter examination session are held until 16.03.2025.

Summer semester:

Classes for Polish-language studies start on 24.02.2025, while for English-language studies classes start on 1.03.2025. Classes in the summer semester will last until 22.06.2025, while for the first semester of the Nursing course, classes will last until 7.07.2025.

During the summer semester the following are scheduled:

from 17.04.2025 to 23.04.2025. – study break on the occasion of Easter,

the summer examination session runs:

23.06.2025 to 06.07.2025 – for Polish-language studies

from 23.06.2025 to 11.07.2025 – for English-language studies

Correction examinations and final course tests from the summer examination session take place from 08.09.2025 to 21.09.2025.

The summer break will last from 07.07 to 30.09.2025.

During this period, the following are foreseen: student internships, according to the applicable study plans, on dates set by the faculties’ deans.

The deadline for the submission of diploma theses is 15.05.2025.

For graduating specialities and majors, the diploma examination should take place on the 1st date by 23.07.2025 or on the 2nd date by 30.09.2025.

Additional days off from teaching: 31.10.2024, 02.05.2025, 20.06.2025.

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