Take part in a student conference and learn about the cultures of other countries

Representatives of the International Students Union at our University invite you to an international conference entitled ” Languages and Cultures of VPU”. The main objective of the event will be to present and learn about the cultural and linguistic diversity of our university’s student community.

The conference will take place on 19 June at Vincent Pol University’s Medical Science Centre. The theme will be ‘Languages and cultures of VPU’. Each participant will have the opportunity to introduce the audience to the culture, customs and traditions of their country. The meeting will be an excellent opportunity to learn about and present the diversity of cultures and languages to the students of our Academy.

–  All students are welcome to attend. The conference will be an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences, meet new people and expand your knowledge of cultural diversity,” – says Edna Carere, president of the Vincent Pol University’s English-speaking student government.

To apply to take part in the conference and present the traditions and culture of your country, please contact the president of the self-government Edna Carere at email: carereedna@gmail.com.

The official language of the conference will be English, so please prepare your presentation in this language. Participation in the conference is completely free of charge. Applications should be submitted by 24 May.

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