Practical activities in the Tricity for Tourism and Hospitality students

Second-year Tourism and Hospitality students at Vincent Pol University took part in practical classes on handling a tourist event in the Tri-City.

During a two-day trip in early May, organised from start to finish by our students, they had the opportunity to learn about the practical aspects of organising a trip and gain valuable experience in handling tourist events.

Students were given specific tasks to organise the trip before, during and after the trip.

Prior to the trip, during activities at the university, students prepared a detailed programme for the event, did a cost calculation and then made reservations. During the trip, they performed various tasks related to the operation of the event according to their assignments. All under the watchful eye of lecturer Robert Mazur, who evaluated their work. The aim of such a form of instruction was to impart knowledge and consolidate students’ skills during the various stages of handling a tourist event – organisation, execution and settlement.

– Practical exercises during the management of such a tourist event gave the students the opportunity to verify the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures and exercises with various organisational aspects during its managment – Robert Mazur, VPU lecturer, concludes.

Studying at VPU is not only about learning, but also about the opportunity to verify in practice the knowledge gained in theoretical classes. Join us!

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