
Łukasz Rydzik, PhD, VPU lecturer, has been awarded the 2024 Scholarship of the Minister of Science for Outstanding Researchers

Łukasz Rydzik, PhD, lecturer in Sport Science at Vincent Pol University, and editor-in-chief of two VPU scientific journals: “Archives of Physiotherapy and Global Researches” and “Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science,” was awarded the 2024 Scholarship of the Minister of Science for Outstanding Scientists due to his scientific achievements. We asked what his path to success was like.

You are a lecturer in Sport Science and also an editor of scientific journals. What was your career path like?

It has been quite a long and complicated path. My adventure with science started with my undergraduate studies, during which I wrote my first book. It was such a small step in my scientific activity. Later, during my master’s studies, I earned money by writing popular science articles for the journal Physical and Health Education. I received small salaries for these publications. I then got into a doctoral school in physical culture sciences. It was a funded programme, so I didn’t have to pay for it and even received a regular stipend. I was one of only six people selected. This was the moment when I fully dedicated myself to scientific activities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had the opportunity to focus on writing articles, from research I had managed to carry out before the pandemic. My first publications came out one after the other, until it came to the point where I was offered the position of editor of the Journal of Kinesiology Science. Running this journal proved to be a success, which led to another offer – this time to run the editorial board of the journal Physical Education. At the same time, I founded a scientific association, of which I am president. I collaborate with scientists from all over the world, including Tunisia, Iran, England and Turkey.

Which of these tasks gives you more fulfilment?

I definitely prefer research work, although teaching work is also very enjoyable. Research work is more demanding and requires coordinating an entire research team.

What has been your biggest motivation to do both teaching and editorial work?

The biggest motivation for me is the desire to impart modern and up-to-date knowledge to students. I teach Sports Theory, Training Theory and Physiology , and recently undertook the creation of a new academic textbook with up-to-date knowledge. I focus on continuous development.

What do you want to pass on to your students in your classes?

I try to introduce a modern approach to teaching. I run master’s seminars where I teach students how to write practical research papers. I value quality over quantity – the best publications are often short but informative. I teach students that it is better to write concretely and to the point, and impart appropriate publication strategies.

You recently received the Minister of Science’s Scholarship for Outstanding Scientists 2024. What is the significance of this award in your scientific career and what do you think contributed to receiving this scholarship?

This award is one of my main scientific goals. I have competed for it four times – three times as a PhD student and now, having already received my PhD. It is a very prestigious award because the competition is huge. I obtained it mainly thanks to my scientific publications – I already have about 100 of them worldwide in the leading journals of my discipline.

Do you agree with the opinion that young people are now more interested in what’s on their phone and less interested in science and physical activity?

It depends on the students. I teach both undergraduates and masters students. Older students are more engaged and willing to work. I try to get them interested in modern technologies that they can use as teachers and coaches in the future. For example, I teach them to use Canva to create promotional materials and Mendeley for bibliography management, to use Statistica, PQ Stat and even the Kahoot platform.

What specific goals or projects do you have that you would like to work on and what are your career dreams?

My immediate academic goal is to get a habilitation, but this is a long and complex process. I am currently working on a publication on the changes in brain activity as a result of Kickboixngu fighting in the K1 formula. This work is already at the final stage in the journal Sports Medicine 200 pts MNIS IF 9.4. I want to further develop my scientific career and hope that my research will have a great impact on the field of medical and health sciences in the discipline of physical culture sciences .

Interviewed by: Anastazja Sulina

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