
Welcome new VPU students

On Monday new students were welcomed within the walls of our university.

Monika Wróbel, Head of International Admissions Office at VPU, congratulated the students on choosing our university and emphasized that they will have at their disposal a modern building equipped with the latest medical equipment, as wellas excellent teaching facilities. She presented the plan of Orientation Week and concluded by wishing all the newstudents good grades in their studies.

‘This is my first time in Poland. I will study InternationalBusiness Management because I am interested in economicsand world business. I like the university very much’ said Norawho came to Lublin from Spain.

A gospel choir with VPU students performed for their youngfriends. Then, the president of the student council guided thestudents around the campus and showed them the mostimportant places at the university – the rooms where they will have classes and the offices where they can handle any matters related to their studies.

‘I have always dreamed of studying in Europe. Poland was my main option. I chose VPU because I think it’s the best University’ emphasizes Florentyna, a student of International Business Management.

Tomorrow is another day as part of Orientation Week. Checkout the detailed programme and find out more: https://vpu.edu.pl/orientation-week-march-2024/

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