
Choose Paramedic Science at VPU. See our FILM

Vincent Pol University in Lublin invites you to study Paramedic Science. It is a guarantee of professional preparation for the profession – internships in hospitals and Emergency Medical Services and classes at the VPU Medical Simulation Centre. All under the guidance of professional lecturers-practitioners. Check out the video prepared by our lecturers.

The Paramedic Science degree programme will start in October. For the time being, the university is launching first-cycle, full-time studies.

– In the course offerings, students will have the opportunity to acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills in saving human life and health. The programme of studies has additionally been prepared in such a way as to pay special attention to providing assistance in difficult and crisis conditions, which, unfortunately, are close to the times we are currently living in – says Kamil Cyrski, M.Sc. the head of the Medical Simulation Centre at VPU and a paramedic.

You are welcome!

International Studies Office:
phone no. +48 81 740 25 04
whatsapp no. +48 721 701 703 email: infoenglish@pol.pl

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