On Sunday, during the Kamionka Harvest Festival, Vincent Pol University engaged local residents with a series of rescue and emergency exercises, health checks, and informative sessions about the university’s educational programs.
Visitors to the VPU stand were treated to hands-on first aid exercises and demonstrations, organized by the Medical Simulation Centre team. Attendees could also get their blood glucose and blood pressure levels measured and discuss the results with university specialists.
In addition to the health-related activities, representatives from the Admissions Office and the Office of Promotion were present to introduce VPU’s diverse educational offerings. They provided guidance on selecting the right course of study and discussed the opportunities available at the university.
– We were very warmly received by the residents of Kamionka – said Andrzej Borowik from
the Admissions Office of VPU. – The interest in our stand was great, and we hope that some of
the visitors will choose to study at our university.
VPU extends its heartfelt thanks to the Kamionka commune for their invitation and warm hospitality during this year’s Harvest Festival.